alt title
When: Wednesday 23 Oct, 4.30pm
Where: BNZ Partners Centre, Level 1, 86 Highbrook Drive
Refreshments: Drinks & Nibbles
Cost: Free of charge
Register here
23 Oct 2024

2024 AGM

Business East Tamaki’s Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 23 October 2024, commencing at 4.15pm for a 4.30pm start at BNZ Partners Business Centre, Level 1, 86 Highbrook Drive, East Tamaki.

If you are a property owner or business owner within the Business East Tamaki geographic boundaries (see map), and you have registered with us as a member, you are entitled to one vote at this meeting.*

*NB if you own more than one business/property or are an owner occupier you may vote only once. If you are a company, partnership or trust, and not a sole trader you need to nominate one designated representative to exercise the vote on behalf of the company, partnership or trust. If there is both a property owner and a different business owner (eg tenant) within the same rateable property then both the business owner and the property owner are eligible for one vote each.

Formal notification information, Committee nomination forms and proxy forms will be posted to property owners and emailed to business owners. The AGM Agenda, notices of motion and indicative 2024-2025 Budget will be published on this website. Copies of the 2023-2024 Annual Report, the 2024-2025 Business Plan and Budget, and Financial Statements will be posted on the website as soon as it becomes available. 

Meeting Documents