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Fire and Emergency NZ - Otara Station

341 East Tamaki Road East Tamaki Auckland
09 274 8097 Visit website
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Fire and Emergency NZ is a technologically advanced, responsive fire service that has around 62,000 callouts per year. There are almost 400 stations throughout New Zealand, with around 1,400 career and 6,000 volunteer firefighters who dedicate themselves to preventing fires and protecting the communities they live in from the dangers of fire.

Maori Television

433 East Tamaki Road East Tamaki Auckland
09 539 7165 Visit website
Contact: Rick Osborne , Head of Commercial & Corporate Affairs
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Māori Television is New Zealand’s indigenous broadcaster, providing a wide range of local and international programmes for audiences across the country and online. 

The Vision:

Māori language is a taonga (treasure) at the heart of Māori culture and New Zealand’s unique cultural identity.  Our vision is for Māori language to be valued, embraced and spoken by all. 

Launched in 2004, Māori Television has two key long-term objectives:

To significantly contribute to the revitalisation of the Māori language; and

To be an independent Māori television service that is relevant, effective and widely accessible.