Travelwise Choices

Alternative commute options

Have you considered your transport options?

Employer resources: Travel planning for businesses

Auckland Transport can assist local businesses, and companies relocating to East Tamaki by creating travel plans for employees.
Travel planning for employees can help to improve reliability, ease apprehensions over changes to their daily commute, and demonstrates a commitment to employee satisfaction.
Click here for more info

Public Transport

Avoid stressful traffic, use public transport!
This map below shows services accessing the Business East Tamaki area as a result of the southern and eastern public transport network consultations which Business East Tamaki members contributed to, providing better connectivity to Highbrook and East Tamaki business precincts, addressing the needs of workers.

Try the Journey Planner by clicking on the image below:

Electric Bikes

Cycling is a great fleet option for your business. Auckland Transport gives you the opportunity to trial the world’s lightest electric bikes. Electric bikes, or e-bikes, are bicycles with a small electric motor to assist the rider's pedal-power and they are increasing in popularity and number. Click here to find out more about Electric bikes.


Get your workplace carpooling! Share a ride, ease congestion and save money.
There are over 30,000 employees travelling to East Tamaki for work on a daily basis. Click here to find additional resources on carpooling.

Electric Vehicles

If you want to stay ahead in business, it's time to go electric. Reduce the running costs of your business vehicles and reduce your carbon emissions from transport by 80%. 
The Government has an electric vehicle programme to accelerate both domestic and business uptake.
Interested in learning more?

Have you considered Flexiworking?

Flexible working allows people to work remotely, avoid travelling in peak hour traffic and work around personal commitments. It can help your business cut costs, add value and increase productivity. It doesn't have to be a permanent work arrangement, or used every day. Even one or two days a week could be a great choice for your business.
Technology can help flexiworkers stay connected with colleagues and access business information. Flexiworking is used by all types of business in New Zealand as most staff need nothing more than a computer compatible with their workplace system and a broadband connection.

How do I maintain business productivity?
Studies show that people who work from home are more productive than their office counterparts. They have fewer interruptions, manage their time better and often work longer hours due to time saved from the daily commute. The key is to focus on outcomes and results. Supervisors and teleworkers just need to be clear about job expectations.

Is flexiworking suitable for all employees?
Flexiworking is not for everyone and not everyone wants it. Offering the opportunity is a management option not a universal employee benefit. Supervisors may select employees who have the right tasks, abilities and circumstances.

Is flexiworking suitable for my business?
Jobs are really just a collection of tasks. Some tasks may need to be done at the office, so the amount of flexiwork an employee can do will depend on how many of their tasks can be done away from the office. Flexiworking may not suit all business environments.