1. FREE 90-second Business East Tamaki Members Moment
Engage with 60-200 influential business leaders and decision-makers in East Tamaki by delivering a concise and impactful message about your business. Members' Moments are subject to approval by Business East Tamaki.
2. FREE standard directory listing on the Business East Tamaki website
As a Business East Tamaki member, you can increase your business’s visibility with a complimentary listing in our online business directory. Your details will be accessible to all visitors on the Business East Tamaki website.
3. Advertise in the Business East Tamaki quarterly magazine
from $250 + GST
Enhance your brand presence with an advertisement in our quarterly magazine. With multiple ad sizes available across four issues per year, there are options to suit various budgets. See our advertising rates and specifications here.

4. Stay Connected EDM
$300 + GST
Feature your business in our Stay Connected email, sent to approximately 1,500 Business East Tamaki members. This email is designed to foster business-to-business connections and highlight local businesses, products, and services. Content requirements and guidelines can be found here.

5. Sponsor a Business East Tamaki event
from $1500 + GST
Gain premium exposure by sponsoring a Business East Tamaki Breakfast, Meet Your Neighbours, or EmpowHer Network event. Connect with 60-200 key decision-makers through a 5-10 minute presentation and benefit from digital exposure via our website and email communications to over 2,000 members. Sponsors can also distribute marketing materials at the event.
6. Host a Business Showcase
An opportunity for East Tamaki businesses to profile your business to potential local clients on your premises. You supply refreshments and Business East Tamaki promotes the event.
All Business Showcases are subject to approval by Business East Tamaki as there are limited dates/times available throughout the year.
7. Social Media Promotion
$100 + GST
Boost your reach through our growing Facebook and LinkedIn pages. Additionally, Business East Tamaki members can join our FREE members-only Facebook Buy Local group to promote their products and services and connect with other local businesses. The Buy Local group can be accessed by clicking here.
Please contact us if you would like further information on any of our marketing opportunities. E comms@businessET.org.nz P 09 273 6274