TransNet is the leading supplier to the electrical industry in New Zealand and the South Pacific. As a 100% privately owned Kiwi business with more than 22 years of experience supplying electrical components, LED lighting, and more recently EV charging infrastructure, TransNet has the expertise, experience, and the contacts to source the best products available worldwide. One of their key differences is an in-house R&D division that creates complete solutions to fill critical gaps in the market for our customers.
Members attended the business showcase for a tour of their custom-built facility and heard from the e-Mobility Division Manager Glenn Inkster on installing EV infrastructure and EV futureproofing. They had the opportunity to see this infrastructure in use and listened to representatives from their key supply partner Wallbox taking them through the business software package on offer with all Wallbox charging stations.
* I thoroughly enjoyed the points brought up at the showcase which helped to extend the knowledge I have. Also learnt a fair bit about the charging inftastructure we have. I am excited to see where it leads.
* Appreciated being able to see the facility. It was very impressive! Transnet people were all very helpful and engaging.
* It's great being able to meet and greet other businesses in East Tamaki. Thoroughly enjoyed the presentation given by Transnet and Wallbox.