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When: Thursday 28 Mar, 07.00am - 08.45am
Where: Waipuna Conference Suites Highbrook
Cost: Free of charge
Register here
28 Mar 2019

Breakfast with Kendall Flutey and Jarrod Kerr

GETBA's breakfasts had a great return with the 2019 Kiwibank Young New Zealander of the Year, Kendall Flutey and Kiwibank Chief Economist Jarrod Kerr, and sponsored by Kiwibank. 

Kendall left a secure job in IT to create Banqer,  an online educational programme that helps young people develop financial literacy skills. Banqer is now used in more than 900 primary and intermediate classrooms nationwide. See more about banqer here.

Jarrod provided an economic update in the context of recent national and global events and the anticipated impact on business. Having spent much of his career overseas he has a valuable international perspective and presented economic commentary in a way that people can understand. His update was well received and his slides can be viewed here.