Auckland Transport's Cycling and Walking page contains excellent information which includes maps, tips for cyclists, courses and events. Click here to visit website.
Electric Bikes
Cycling is a great fleet option for your business. Auckland Transport gives you the opportunity to trial the world’s lightest electric bikes. Electric bikes, or e-bikes, are bicycles with a small electric motor to assist the rider's pedal-power and they are increasing in popularity and number.
E-bikes have many advantages:
- Allow every employee to conquer the hills of Auckland without breaking a sweat.
- Rechargeable batteries that provide a low cost alternative to fleet vehicles and taxis
- Reduced fleet car parking requirements.
- They are clean and green.
We can arrange a free introductory workshop for your staff and discounted hire for a trial period.
Click here to register your interest.
Cycle training
If it's been a long time since you've been on a bike, you're ready to progress to cycling on the road, or you want to learn to fix a puncture, Auckland Transport has a number of free cycle training courses for adults.
Click here if you would like cycle training, or watch the videos below to find out more!